There are various fees to be paid by a rider:
1. Subscription fee to Audax India Randonneurs (AIR): This fee is charged based on the duration of subscription - Rs.250 for one time ridership (OTR) and Rs.750 for annual. This fee is paid to AIR and you get access to register for any of the 800+ events across 80+ clubs pan India. AIR is the national level body that is affiliated to Audax Club Parisien (ACP), France and accredits all the rides. Your subscription fee goes towards maintaining your ride records on our database and gives you complete and easy access to a host of information of all the events. AIR site also generates and maintains your digital finisher certificates for all your rides.
2. Event fee: This fee is charged by the organising club where you wish to participate and the entire amount goes to the organising club. Event fees vary based on location, distance and facilities provided by the club during the ride such as food, drop bags, hotel room etc. The event fee will be listed on the event page. The event fee goes towards the organising club's expenses to actually conduct the event and do a whole lot of paper work to accredit your ride. A small portion of this fee is paid as "homologation fee" by the club to AIR and in turn AIR pays to ACP for certification/homologation of the ride. In addition, the club incurs various expenses before, during and after the event which include but any limited to route survey, fuel expenses of ride marshals, banners, stationary, volunteers' expense reimbursement, etc. Paying the subscription fee (above) to AIR does not waive the event fee to be paid to the club.
3. Medal fee: This fee is not included in the brevet fee and is charged extra only if you finish the ride successfully and choose to opt for a medal. Most first-timers opt for the medal to mark their achievements whereas veterans and prolific randonneurs do not prefer to amass heaps of medals so they choose not to opt for the medal. By separating the medal cost from the brevet fee, we are able to give riders an option to cut their costs. The medal fee will be Rs.775 and this medal is specially imported from ACP and not a locally manufactured medal. Medal can be purchased from rider dashboard after successfully completing a ride and its homologation by ACP France which may take up to 2 weeks time.
Note that separation of above fees is done in order to keep the costs low for the riders instead of charging a single composite fee each time. We also have a "No Sponsorship Policy" in order to retain the grassroots & non-profit nature of our events. Thus our events are entirely funded by the rider base itself rather than corporate sponsors.